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11 décembre 2006 1 11 /12 /décembre /2006 16:54
Magnetic levitation : Do you know what this is for ?

If you travel to Shangai in China , maybe you will have the chance to experiment this magnetic  technology also called Maglev
The fast train at the Pudong Airport  will bring you at a  speed of 430 km/hour to Shangai downtown thanks to the magnetic levitation.

But an other application is on development right now. In Japan Toshiba and Building system  corp  will be delivering the first High speed elevators in Tokyo early 2008.
The elevator will take you for a smooth ride of minimum 300 meters in one minute with almost no noise
The cabin has no guide rails or cables .  Instead, high powered magnets will suspend it.  In order to move the elevator, the magnets on the opposite end  are powered electrically in order to push the vehicle.

The story does not end here. NASA scientists are working on the space elevator.
A space elevator is essentially a long cable extending from our planet's surface into space with its center of mass at geostationary Earth orbit (GEO), 35,786 km in altitude. Electromagnetic vehicles traveling along the cable could serve as a mass transportation system for moving people, payloads, and power between Earth and space.
A ride to a lunar platfor would then take 5 hours
Emmanuel Facovi
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